Professor Rob Foale
RCVS and European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Rob qualified from the RVC in 1996 having previously undertaken a Physiology and Pharmacology BSc at King’s College London. After four years in mixed general practice, he undertook his residency training in small animal internal medicine at the University of Cambridge where he obtained his CertSAM, DSAM and DipECVIM-CA and he became a recognised Specialist in 2005.
Rob joined Dick White Referrals in 2003, where he set up and ran both the internal medicine and medical oncology services from 2004 to 2016. He then became a Shared Venture Partner and Clinical Director for five years before leaving DWR in December 2021.
In addition to his clinical work, Rob has an on-going research project looking to develop gene therapy as a treatment for diabetic dogs. Rob has been actively involved in teaching at the University of Nottingham since 2008 and has been a Professor of Small Animal Medicine at this institution since 2020 where he currently delivers the urogenital and infectious disease modules of the University’s certificate/AVP course. Rob also enjoys delivering CPD and has spoken regularly throughout the UK and Europe, particularly in the fields of small animal endocrinology, gastroenterology, problem-orientated medicine and medical oncology.
Away from work, Rob is married and has three teenage children, two dogs and a rabbit! He relaxes by being a (very slow!) 10K and half marathon runner and by playing bass in a local band.